Why kids need multivitamins

Why Kids Need Multivitamins ?

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It’s  a common phenomenon that during our childhood we often wallow ourselves in gummy food products and especially when those are vitamin boosting tablets, one looks for an opportunity to gulp them all down due to it’s unbelievable scrumptious taste which indeed drives our mothers crazy for not taking them as a supplement rather solely living on them. I remember my mother hiding my most beloved gummy vitamin infused ‘Flipstones’ tablets and keeping them out of my reach before leaving the place as i used to love them to my life with leaving no chance at all in finishing the bottle off completely in no time.

According to  June Sayers an integrated nutritionist “We look at vitamins as an assurance policy to total up what we eat in our diet”. She further asserts that we eat a healthy diet and supplements are a back to up to strengthen our immunity system and digestive system to fall back upon. Those mothers who make sure to include these multi vitamins as a part of their kids daily consumption lessens the chances of their kids to fall sick and other ailments that other non consuming kids have a tendency to fall for.

We must have often come across pesky at times out of the box commercials of various products that talk of boosting immunity and fostering brain efficiency of our kids to it’s optimum level. In today’s day and age when kids in their tender age itself have plethora of burden on their shoulders to cater to, starting from burdensome studies to extra co curricular activities, it has become next to impossible for mothers to cope up with the deficiency and illnesses kids often fall prey to. Although these commercials have a lot to be taken with a pinch of salt but one must understand the true need and necessity behind taking these products rather than following the sheep syndrome blindly. Henceforth, without much ado lets get started with the following:

What are multivitamins?

Multivitamins are essential vitamins and minerals that strengthens our immunity and nervous system to extensively. These are not intrinsic for every healthy growing child to take due to the self sufficiency. Foods are the pivotal source of nutrients. Regular meals and snacks can render all the essential nutrients that most of the preschoolers need.

What Purpose Do They Serve?

Majority of the kids are picky eaters or choosy to say by virtue of being kids, that does not mean these kids are bound to nutritional deficiencies. Most common foods such as breakfast cereal, milk and fresh fruit juice are inclusive of all imperative nutrients such as vitamins B, D, calcium and iron. Thus, your child may be receiving more minerals and vitamins than you anticipate. Be that as it may “anything in excess is bad”, same applies in the case of multi vitamin consumption.

In order to make your kid fully sufficient of the important vitamins and minerals one must not indulge in to them too much making the kid solely dependent on them. It is often considered that if a child is taking additional medication it may react with these multi vitamins and may harm the kid in the long run if not right away.

Genuine Need:

You must give your kids multi vitamins when you see the following traits or tendencies in them such as the failure to thrive or utilize the energy to optimum level. It has certain severe disease or food allergies, and also has a restrictive diet such as a vegetarian diet.

If a paediatrician recommends a multivitamin, choose one which is specifically formulated for your child’s age group and does not render more than cent % of the daily value of vitamins and minerals. Make it clear to your kids that these are not candies and must be consumed like medicine itself,

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is formulated organically by the body through sun exposure. It is touted as a preventive miracle vitamin from every other illness be it the dreaded cancer or as common as diabetes to cardiac ailments.


A child gets the calcium imperative to his or her body from it’s birth itself like that of rich calcium, milk diet instead of energy drink or other beverage.

Omega-3 fatty acids

It is referred as brain boosters and improves the mental ability of the kid to great levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oils, eggs, dairy products, canola oil, flax seed and walnuts all have abundant source of omega 3 fatty acid in them.


Various fruits and vegetables have huge source of fibre element in them, but kids hate them to death. In such cases what doting and concerned parents can do is churn them into powder and mix it with the dough which will leave less chance of recognition of taste specifically and the body will also be cater to the needs of the body requirements. Vegetables like broccoli, lentils and beans are high rich in fibre which must be included in the daily diet in order to make kids strong and disease free.

Hence, in order to keep the kids off dangerous and harmful bacteria’s and diseases these must be well adhere to.

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